BecomE a Member of
The Collective by Third Eye Champagne
what is it?
The Collective by Third Eye Champagne is a digital space where people who are interested in spiritual, and metaphysical subjects can gather and engage with creative content. The website is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of income; there is both a free guest space and a paid membership space.
what do you get?
Exclusive access to spells, astrology, numerology, and omens created by Kirsten and other talented contributors.
Psychic shows about history, celebrities, politics, and live shows like Drunk Tarot Mediumship..
Blogs about spiritual subjects, wellness, and paranormal phenomena.
A guide to trusted practitioners.
joining is easy.
We currently offer three levels of pricing.
Amethyst Membership gets you access to the site for $11.11 per month.
Sapphire Membership gets you everything on the site for $22.22 per month.
Tanzanite Membership puts you in Club 3333, where you get loads of perks, like discounted readings and exclusive cocktail parties in addition everything else for $33.33 per month